Spiritual & Emotional Wellness.

"In order to keep me available to myself, and be able to concentrate my energies upon the challenges of those worlds through which I move, I must consider what my body means to me." - Audre Lorde, The Wounded Storyteller by Arthur W. Frank

No matter your religious and/or spiritual beliefs, What We Water believes it important to engage in some aspect of spiritual practice to strengthen the connection to mind, body and soul. As Black and brown women having some form of spiritual practice assists us in navigating the societal oppression and pressure we endure daily. Take time for yourself. You are worth the investment.

Your practice, your way.

  • Mind.

    To do anything in this life you must first take good care of your mind. Mindfulness and meditation are great places to start, but what your practice looks like depends on you as an individual. Tip: meditation does not need to take a particular form. Listening to music, podcasts, writing, dancing and the like are all powerful forms of meditation.

  • Body.

    Taking care of your body is a very personal, very essential form of care. Through spiritual practice, you may be able to connect with your body in a way you hadn’t imagined. Explore your relationship with your physical presence through dance, yoga, running, eating, masturbation, sex, simply being, and whatever else gives you joy.

  • Soul.

    How does one feed the soul? Many say through literature, poetry, music, art. Others say through experiences in which your spirit or mind is elevated, such as cannabis-induced high. Whatever it looks like for you, invest in it. Your soul bridges the spiritual to the physical, and you should never forget to cherish your internal self.